Thursday, July 21, 2011

Combination of chokka and sardine for kob bait

For the preparation of the bait one will need the following items:
1. Good filleting knife;
2. Cotton (I prefer Latex cotton);
3. Tenderising hammer; 
4. Cutting board;

Trace; hooks and swivels:

When fishing for kob and using sardine and chokka combination my preferred trace is a pulley rig 6 - 8 OZ grapnel sinker, 6/0 to 8/0 long shank "J" hook or circle hook of the same size (most of the time I will use a smaller size trailing hook). I always "snail" my hooks, even when I use foam.
The sardine:

Remove the head and tail of the sardine as illustrated on the photograph.

 Cut out the stomach section of the sardine as illustrated on the photograph.

Place the sardine stomach on the hook as illustrated on the photograph and secure with cotton.

Use only good quality chokka, if you notice any pinkish coloring on the chokka do not buy it, as it is definitely not going to be as effective as you would like it to be.

Cut, at least 3 tentacles, at the end of the chokka. Lightly tenderize the portion of chokka above the tentacles and insert the hook as illustrated on the photograph. Tenderize the softer/inner part of the chokka, and make sure that the softer/tenderized part of the chokka is placed to face to the outside and the harder part is facing the hook shank. Secure with cotton. You will notice that I have placed free moving glow bead on the line on top of the bait - it assists for night fishing.    

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